ABA Journal

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Results for: leadership

Your Voice

Why you should unlearn certain valuable legal skills

Your Voice

Stanford Law’s free speech teachable moments


What I wish I’d learned in law school

Letters From Our Readers

Letters: Praise for public defenders

Business of Law

AI tools can help litigators pick jurors who might be on their side

Your Voice

A Lawyer’s ‘Everest’: Legal career lessons from one lawyer who climbed a nontraditional path to the top

Character Witness

How I made a career in mass torts

Members Who Inspire

Judge Ernestine Gray created a model court that put New Orleans children and families first

Your Voice

A real defense of fake trials and a love letter to my family

Law Firms

Shearman leader will ‘begin to pass the torch’ after failed merger talks, overseas partner departures

The Modern Law Library

In ‘Her Honor,’ trailblazing women judges take center stage


First lawyer who advised Jan. 6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson should face ethics probe, group tells regulators

ABA Leadership

Reflections of an Executive Director: Jack Rives says farewell

Law Firms

Legal services company Axiom opens ‘reimagined law firm’ to directly serve clients, thanks to Arizona approval

Your Voice

Legal career lessons from Mount Everest


Longtime disability rights advocate Scott LaBarre dies at 54

Year in Review: Members Who Inspire

Meet 12 ABA members who inspired us in 2022

Year in Review: Your Voice

Top 8 Your Voice columns of 2022

State of the Profession

Slow Going: Despite diversity gains, some law firm leaders bemoan lack of progress


Could hybrid work and generational shifts finally kill email?

Lawyer Wellness

Firms are employing burnout advisers to keep their attorneys from getting overwhelmed

ABA Leadership

ABA President Deborah Enix-Ross says she’ll focus on civics, civility and collaboration

Report from Governmental Affairs

We Need You: Member input will help set ABA legislative priorities

U.S. Supreme Court

Calls mount for binding SCOTUS ethics code after anti-abortion crusader alleges Hobby Lobby leak

ABA Leadership

ABA Executive Director Jack Rives to step down

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Justia leadership

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