Criminal Justice

Home Alone, Naked Man Didn't Draw Blinds, Faces Indecent Exposure Rap

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Corrected: Accounts differ of exactly what happened that led to the arrest of a 29-year-old Virginia man for indecent exposure while he was alone in his own home.

But whether Eric Williamson never knew he’d been seen naked, as he claims, or, as a 45-year-old woman passing by says, was standing nude in a doorway, is likely to be key in determining a critical question: Whether he intended to put himself on display, according to the Washington Post.

The woman, who says she was walking past Williamson’s home on a well-traveled path with her 7-year-old son, on their way to the boy’s school, is the wife of a local police officer, the newspaper notes.

Says Williamson, who was handcuffed and taken to court: “I looked straight at the cops and said, ‘You’re telling me that none of you guys have ever walked across your kitchen or run to the laundry room to get some pants?’ ” the Post recounts. If there really was a problem, Williamson says, “Would not a knock on the door and heads-up suffice?”

Additional information is provided in a question-and-answer session with an area attorney, Atchuthan Sriskandarajah, that is published by the Post.

Authorities tell the newspaper that more information about the case will be made public as it progresses in court.

Daily News post was corrected on Oct. 27 to note that Atchuthan Sriskandarajah was commenting on the law, but not representing Williamson. The Washington Post reports that Fairfax lawyer Dickson J. Young represents Williamson.


Daily News post was corrected on Oct. 27 to note that Atchuthan Sriskandarajah was commenting on the law, but not representing Williamson.  The Washington Post reports that Fairfax lawyer Dickson J. Young represents Williamson. The ABA Journal regrets the error.

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