ABA Journal

Legal Rebels Archive

The New Normal

Where Are the Legal Jeremy Lins?

The New Normal

The Legal Innovation Ecosystem: 10 Actors & Their Roles - An Early Review

The New Normal

What a Physics Professor Can Teach Us About Collaborating with Clients

The New Normal

Managing Partner Shares Perspective on the New Normal

The New Normal

10 Concrete Ways to Measure Law Performance

The New Normal

Show Me the Numbers

The New Normal

What if Someone Could Measure What Lawyers Do?

The New Normal

Lawyer Comp: The Third Rail of Legal Value Conversations (Part II)

The New Normal

Practice Group Leaders: Masters of the Legal Renaissance?

The New Normal

The Agile Manifesto Round Three: 'What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate'

The New Normal

A View from AALS: What Change Looks Like

The New Normal

Making a Commitment to Change and Opening Up 'Endless Possibilities'

The New Normal

Lawyer Comp: The Third Rail of Legal Value Conversations

The New Normal

Getting Comfortable with Risk: The Agile Manifesto Revisited

The New Normal

How Client Complexity Will Shape the New Normal For Firms and Law Schools

The New Normal

New Normal for Law Schools?

The New Normal

Avoiding Complexity: An Agile Manifesto for Lawyers

Ross Essay Contest

BigLaw Resources Can Do the Most Good

The New Normal

10 Ways for Lawyers to Find Their 'Inner Steve Jobs'

The New Normal

'Legal Kaizens' and Getting Lawyers to Solve Simple Problems Together

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