ABA Notices

Notice of the Board of Governors Petition Deadline

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At the 2007 Midyear Meeting, the Nominating Committee will announce nominations for district and at-large positions on the ABA Board of Governors for terms beginning at the conclusion of the 2007 Annual Meeting and ending at the conclusion of the 2010 Annual Meeting. Pursuant to § 2.1 of the Association’s Constitution, the Committee will nominate individuals from the following states to represent the districts noted: Ohio (District 7), Texas (District 8), South Dakota (District 10), Arizona (District 11), Oregon (District 13), and Washington (District 18).

The Nominating Committee will also nominate members from the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice and the Section of Science and Technology Law to serve as Section Members-at-Large on the Board.

In addition, one member-at-large who is a woman shall be nominated pursuant to § 26.1(d) of the Association’s Constitution. The nominations will be made notwithstanding the fact that woman members may be nominated for the district and at-large positions on the Board of Governors.


To be eligible for nomination as a member of the Board of Governors by the Nominating Committee, a person must file a petition signed by 25 Association members. Nominating petitions must be filed with the Secretary at Association headquarters not later than Friday, January 12, 2007. Nominees for district representative must be accredited to the state for which the nomination is being made and 25 Association members from the states within that district must sign the petition. While it is desirable that more than the required minimum of 25 names of members of the Association appear on the nominating petitions, only 25 names of signers of any petition will be included in the material provided to the Nominating Committee. Only signatures of members of the Association will be counted. Each nominating petition must be accompanied by a typewritten list of names and addresses of the signers in the order in which they appear on the petition. Petitions for nominations must specify which position the petitioner seeks; no person may petition for more than one position.

A 100-word biographical sketch of the nominee also must accompany the petition. Forms for this purpose will be provided. The biographical sketch and a list of 25 signers from the nominating petitions will be sent to the members of the Nominating Committee prior to their meeting in February.

Nominating petitions may be obtained from the Secretary at the headquarters office of the American Bar Association, 321 N. Clark Street, 21st Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60610.

Armando Lasa-Ferrer



At the 1996 Annual Meeting, the House of Delegates approved an amendment to the Constitution to provide that at least 40 days’ notice shall be given to Association members of the time and place of the meeting of the Nominating Committee at which nominations for officers and members of the Board of Governors will be considered. Accordingly, notice is hereby given that the Nominating Committee will meet in conjunction with the 2007 Midyear Meeting in Miami, Florida on Sunday, February 11, 2007, beginning with the business session at 9:00 a.m. Immediately following the business session, the Nominating Committee will hear from candidates seeking nomination at the 2008 Midyear Meeting. This portion of the meeting is open to Association members. Following the candidate’s forum, the Nominating Committee will vote on nominations for officers and members of the Board of Governors of the Association for terms beginning at the close of the 2007 Annual Meeting.

If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please contact Carri L. Kerber at 312/988-5161 or [email protected].

Armando Lasa-Ferrer


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