ABA Journal

Designing your law office to save money and boost productivity—without sacrificing style

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Complementary colors add a bit of visual
punch to invite the repeat usage of smaller
common areas. Photo by Gensler, Ryan

Across the country, law firms are looking to their office space for answers. They’re seeking the best ways to effectively reduce expensive square footage. To boost efficiency. To foster the cohesion, collaboration and teamwork necessary for success in an age where lawyers don’t need to be in the building—and some don’t even want to be.

They’re finding that the answers to these questions and more lie within their walls, thanks to the work of law office design professionals.

The idea that good design and good business go hand-in-hand isn’t new, of course, and this isn’t the first time law office design has been a featured topic in the ABA Journal and elsewhere.

Every few years, exciting new law office design trends emerge—remember when going green was the thing?—that earn waves of ink and countless architectural inquiries. Over time, these trends transform from innovative to accepted, and the decks clear for the next new approach to address the latest business concerns.

We’ve isolated three top trends that are quickly gaining traction as solutions to challenges involving space usage, costs and culture: glass-walled interiors, hospitality industry touches and amazing eating spaces. These design approaches may sound frivolous, but they’re actually enhancing lawyers’ work life in some of the nation’s most forward-thinking firms.

Click here to read the rest of “Making space for success” from the July issue of the ABA Journal.

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