ABA Journal

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If lawyers made candy hearts, what would yours say?

Which monumental caption is set in stone?

Vote for the rabbit-themed caption that has the most magic

Which angel-devil-themed caption is whispering to you?

Which clown caption tickles your funny bone?

Pick the ski caption that takes you to new heights

Which mice-themed caption makes you smile and say cheese?

Can you hear what’s happening here?

Cast your ruling for this feuding family court scene

Which book should win the 2018 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction?

Pick the purrfect caption that gets your tail wagging

Which caption is head and shoulders above the rest?

Which is the best Peeps in Law 2018 diorama?

Vote for the caption that best depicts this pilloried lawyer’s problem

Which caption has the best selfie-representation?

Make a wish upon your favorite genie caption

Which emoji caption makes you LOL?

Picketh thy favorite fairy-tale caption

What caption are you hung up on?

Which snake-themed caption is most charming?

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