Lawyer Pay

Associates got bonuses of up to $350K at Boies Schiller this year, law firm leader says

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Once again, hefty year-end bonuses of $15,000 to $100,000 being paid to associates of major corporate law firms are being eclipsed by the largesse of a well-known business litigation boutique.

At Boies Schiller & Flexner, those working in California, New York and Washington, D.C., who have been at the firm at least a year were paid year-end bonuses of $20,000 to $350,000, David Boies told Above the Law.

The average bonus was about $95,000.

The big bonuses reflect a culture of training and rewarding associates for their work on cases that generate large contingency fees, Boies told ATL. However, as the firm has grown from 75 attorneys to more than 250 attorneys, the bonuses may have “modestly reduced” partner compensation, he says.

“It’s still very much our view that this is the right thing to do and, in the long run, very important to our culture and to the quality of our practice. It just becomes more complicated economically as we get bigger.”

Related coverage: “Boies Schiller to pay as much as $350K to associates in end-of-year bonuses”

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