Trials & Litigation

Attorney, Disbarred Lawyer Among Latest 14 to Take Pleas in Las Vegas Homeowner Association Fraud

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Another 14 defendants took pleas Thursday in an ongoing federal investigation concerning massive alleged fraud among Las Vegas homeowner associations.

Among them are a lawyer, Brian Jones, 38, who admitted in his guilty plea that he helped rig board elections at two associations, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. He formerly worked at the now-disbanded law firm of Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw & Ferrario.

A disbarred lawyer, Jeanne Winkler, 44, admitted she failed to disclose to a HOA board for which she served as general counsel that she had formerly done legal work for a construction boss.

The fraud case, in which another 11 defendants previously took pleas in federal court in Las Vegas, revolves around claims that defendants rigged HOA board elections to steer lucrative contracts and construction defect litigation to members of their circle.

An earlier post provides additional details about the case, in which other attorneys have been accused of wrongdoing and judges reportedly may be under investigation.

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