Government Law

Beset by drought, California lawmakers fast-track bill to ban towns from enforcing brown-lawn rules

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Sprinkler on dead lawn

Image from Shutterstock.

Faced with a record-breaking drought, California has imposed stringent water-conservation measures.

But that hasn’t stopped some government officials from threatening to fine homeowners over lawns that have gone brown from lack of water, reports the Los Angeles Times (sub. req.).

Proposed state legislation to address the issue appears to be on a fast track: It passed unanimously Thursday in the Assembly and is now headed to the Senate for consideration.

The ban would preclude cities and counties from imposing penalties for brown lawns while a state of emergency declared by California’s governor remains in effect.

Related coverage: “California issues first-ever water reduction to handle drought”

See also: “Jailed Over Brown Lawn, 66-Year-Old Returns Home to Beautiful Yard” “Homeowners Who Spent $220K in Legal Fees to Fight $2K HOA Lawn Bill Win Court Case After 11 Years”

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