Law in Popular Culture

CU L8R LITIG8R: Readers Submit Their Favorite Lawyer License Plates

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Updated: When we came up with this Question of the Week, our hopes were modest. But it turns out that our sharp-eyed readers have dozens of law-related vanity license plates to share. A surprising number also had photos of license plates to send us.

“What can I say?” Lesly Adams wrote. “I have a fascination with vanity plates in general, but when they are legally related, I will follow until I get a good shot.”

Jim Fletcher sent us three photos taken in the parking lot of the courthouse in Fulton County, Ga. “Maybe a mediator or judge?” he hypothesizes about the license plate RESOLVE.

We even heard from the one time owner of perhaps the most famous law-related vanity plate of all time: LA LAW. “I came up with the license plate LA LAW,” Richard Niederberg wrote. “Steven Bochco, producer of Hill Street Blues, saw it on my vehicle parked at CBS Studio Center and asked if he could use it as an opening title graphic in a TV series he was developing.”

Do you have a vanity plate photo you’d like to see added to the gallery? Email it to us.

Also see:

Deseret News: “L.A. Law Is Leaving the Air, but License Plate Stays Put”

Last updated to make edits and add Deseret News reference.

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