Criminal Justice

Police Say DUI Lawyer Crashed Lexus, Took Off Running, Was Tackled by Bystander; Now Faces DUI Case

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A Nebraska lawyer who specializes in defending driving-under-the-influence cases is now reportedly facing one of his own—following two prior convictions—after police say he rear-ended another vehicle with his speeding Lexus and crashed his car a block later in downtown Omaha near the courthouse on Tuesday night.

Police said Robb Gage, 35, had a blood-alcohol level of .22, which is almost three times the legal limit of .08, according to the World-Herald and WOWT.

Fellow motorist Bill Baker says he saw the Lexus hit another car stopped at a traffic light, then continue another block before spinning out of control as the driver continued on, tried to navigate a corner and crashed. When he got out and started running, Baker, who is a former National Park Ranger and said he thought the driver of the Lexus must be bailing out of a stolen car, chased him on foot and tackled him.

“He said he wasn’t going to do anything stupid because he is a DUI defense attorney in Omaha,” Baker told WOWT. “I thought he was joking at first and said, ‘Really?’ He goes—‘Yeah! I practice here in Omaha.’”

A video posted on Metacafe promotes Gage’s law practice. It features an image of a police car with its lights flashing in a driver’s side rearview mirror, followed by a yellow diamond sign warning “Sobriety Check Point Ahead” as dramatic symphonic music plays urgently in the background.

The articles don’t include any comment from Gage, and he referred the ABA Journal to his lawyer, Greg Nelson, who said Gage is taking responsibility, trying to get help and doing his best to manage a difficult situation.

“He plans to participate in a residential treatment program, followed by an extensive aftercare program,” said Nelson, explaining that Gage is working with the Nebraska Lawyers’ Assistance Program to do so. “He’s helped a lot of people, and now he’s trying to get help for himself.”

It appears that no one was seriously hurt in Tuesday’s accident, Nelson continued, and “Mr. Gage was extremely thankful for that.” He is now making arrangements to deal with his existing caseload, with the assistance of the state bar, so that he can leave his clients in good hands while he is getting treatment.

A Web video advertisement for Robb Gage’s DUI practice is featured below:

Rob Gage DUI Lawyer Lincoln/ Omaha NE

Hat tip: Above the Law.

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