Constitutional Law

Durbin to Burris: You Should Resign; Burris: I Won't

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Upping the ante in a likely U.S. Senate showdown, Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) suggested to his junior colleague, newly appointed Sen. Roland Burris (D.-Ill.) in a one-on-one meeting today that he should resign.

But Burris refused, reports the Washington Post in its Capitol Briefing blog.

“I told him, ‘If I were in your shoes, I would consider resigning,’ ” recounted Durbin in a subsequent conversation with reporters after meeting with Burris for a half-hour. “He said, ‘I will not resign.’ “

Burris, who is a graduate of Howard University School of Law, is a former state comptroller and has run unsuccessfully for Illinois governor. He is under fire for repeatedly changing his story about what was said before he accepted the senate appointment from former Gov. Rod Blagojevich just before Blagojevich was impeached last month.

The former governor is also facing federal criminal charges for alleged corruption in office, and was accused of having attempted to barter President Barack Obama’s former U.S. Senate seat—which is now held by Burris—for personal gain.

Burris is not accused in the federal case, and says he has done nothing wrong.

However, a senate ethics panel is investigating Burris, CNN reported Friday, after Burris’ recent disclosure that he had spoken with Blagojevich’s brother about helping the governor raise money before he accepted his appointment by Blagojevich to the senate.

Related coverage: “Illinois Prosecutor Investigates Newest Senator, Roland Burris” “Senate Will Seat Burris”

Chicago Tribune: “Roland Burris, resign”

NBC Chicago: “Meet Roland Burris, Your Next Senator”

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