Tax Law

Ex-partner of Jenkens & Gilchrist gets 8 years in tax shelter case, is ordered to pay $190M

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A former partner of the now-defunct Jenkens & Gilchrist law firm was sentenced Friday to eight years in federal prison for her role in what federal prosecutors have billed as the largest criminal tax fraud case ever.

Donna Guerin, who pleaded guilty last year after winning a retrial, was also ordered to pay $190 million in restitution, Bloomberg reports.

She and another former Jenkens partner, Paul Daugerdas, were charged in connection with their work helping law firm clients reduce taxable income through tax shelters later determined by the government to be abusive.

Additional and related coverage: “Judge OKs New Trial for Ex-Jenkens Tax Leader, Cites ‘Breathtaking’ Lies of Suspended Lawyer on Jury” “Former Jenkens & Gilchrist Partner Takes Plea in Tax Shelter Opinions Case; Will Forfeit $1.6M”

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