Criminal Justice

Family members call for justice in slaying of black woman said to be seeking help after car accident

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Family members of a slain Detroit woman believe racial profiling may be the reason the 19-year-old black woman was fatally shot while seeking help after a car accident.

Renisha McBride, was shot and killed early Saturday on the porch of a home about four blocks away from the accident, family members say. They report that McBride was shot in the back of the head, report the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press.

Dearborn Heights police are seeking unspecified charges against the homeowner, according to the Detroit Free Press. The Wayne County Prosecutor’s office is seeking more information from police before deciding whether to authorize charges.

McBride’s cellphone was dead after the accident and she probably wanted the homeowner to make a call for her, McBride’s aunt, Bernita Spinks, told the Free Press. Spinks told WJBK and the Detroit News earlier this week that her niece may have been racially profiled. “You see a young black lady on your porch and you shoot?” she told the Detroit News.

McBride is a recent graduate of Southfield High School who had a job on the inspection line at a Ford plant.

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