Executive Branch

Federal courts to stay open through at least Oct. 17, even if shutdown continues

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Although a federal budget impasse has not yet been resolved in Congress, resulting in the shutdown of numerous government functions, the federal courts will remain open through at least Oct. 17 and possibly Oct. 18, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts has announced.

“The Judiciary will remain open for business through October 17, 2013. When no funding mechanism was in place on October 1, 2013, the Judiciary projected that fee income and no-year appropriated funds would enable court operations to continue for ten business days,” the department says in their Third Branch News blog Thursday.

“The Judiciary has severely restricted spending during that period so that limited additional funding now exists,” the statement continues. “Spending rates and fund balances will continue to be monitored closely in hope that adequate funds may be available to allow courts to operate through the end of the work week—October 18.”

See also:

ABAJournal.com: “ABA President Silkenat condemns shutdown, says Congress should ‘end the scorched-earth tactics’”

ABAJournal.com: “DOJ asks US attorneys to postpone or curtail civil litigation during shutdown”

ABAJournal.com: “Which federal court employees are essential? At least two courts say they all are”

Updated on Oct. 11 to fix an editor-introduced error in attribution.

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