
Federal Prosecutor Won’t Be Charged for Boxer-Clad Dip in a Pool

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A federal prosecutor in Miami won’t be formally charged for taking a dip in his boxer shorts at a bar-side outdoor pool last month.

Police arrested Sean Cronin after a mom complained that he exposed more than his skivvies as he exited the pool, requiring her to shield her daughter’s eyes. A police report said Cronin fled police, jumping over “multiple fences” in the process.

The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office declined to press charges, citing insufficient evidence that Cronin had intentionally exposed himself, the Miami Herald reports. The office also declined to prosecute a charge of resisting arrest. According to a closeout memo filed by prosecutors, a police officer never ordered Cronin to stop, so there was no proof Cronin was aware police wanted to detain him.

Cronin’s lawyer, Joel Denaro, called the original police report “a fiction,” the Herald says. “Mr. Cronin did nothing wrong,” Denaro said.

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