Law Schools

Former Law Dean Who Made $787K Asked to Return $60K; Another $350K Questioned

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University of Maryland officials have asked the state attorney general whether former law dean Karen Rothenberg can be asked to return $350,000 for a sabbatical that apparently was never taken.

In the meantime, university officials asked Rothenberg to return another $60,000, the Baltimore Sun reports. The university contends Rothenberg failed to follow proper procedure when submitting research payment requests for the smaller amount.

In fiscal 2007, Rothenberg made a total of $787,000 in compensation that included the sabbatical payments, the Baltimore Sun reported in an earlier story. The sabbatical payments were approved by UMB President David Ramsay, the newspaper says.

Ramsay announced his resignation Monday. Rothenberg left her post as dean last year, but she still works as a professor at the law school. The newspaper could not reach Rothenberg for comment.

Some law school employees have said the extra payments helped keep Rothenberg in the deanship during an important fundraising campaign.

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