Criminal Justice

Harvard Law Grad Will Get Community Service for Arson of 9-11 Chapel

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A Harvard law grad who pleaded guilty on Wednesday to setting fire to a Sept. 11 memorial chapel won’t have to serve any jail time.

Brian Schroeder, 27, will have to perform 100 hours of community service, according to the New York Daily News and the New York Post. In court, he admitted that he had been drinking before the incident and said he has a limited memory of the events.

“I cannot explain why I acted the way I did, but I take responsibility for my actions—I’m sorry,” he said.

He will also have to pay restitution under the agreement, which allows him to escape jail time if he meets the conditions set before sentencing next year, the Associated Press reports. Damages have been estimated at $67,000, according to the Daily News story.

Prosecutors had sought jail time for Schroeder, who lost a job opportunity at Sidley Austin after the incident.

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