
Help Wanted in New Jersey: Unpaid ‘Special Assistant US Attorneys’

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The U.S. Attorney’s office in New Jersey is following the lead of its counterparts in other states by advertising for some unpaid help.

The office is seeking “special assistant U.S. Attorneys” willing to work for free in Camden and Newark, the New Jersey Law Journal reports. Twenty-one other U.S. Atorney’s offices have also posted ads for special assistants on the Justice Department website.

U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman told the legal newspaper that the new hires will help compensate for a Justice Department hiring freeze announced in January. He’s unsure how many people he will hire in the unpaid New Jersey positions.

“We could take none, or 50,” he told the publication. The final number will depend on the quality of the candidates and prosecutorial needs. Applicants will need to make a one-year commitment and give up outside, paid legal work.

Hat tip to The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times.

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