Legal Ethics

Hogan Lovells Partner to Repay $300K Earned in Part for Plagiarized Work in Prior Post

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A partner at Hogan Lovells has pledged to repay $300,000 he received from the Hasan Family Foundation in exchanging for making speeches and submitting articles on water policy in 2005 and 2006 that he admits were, in part, inadvertently copied from material written by another lawyer who is now a justice on Colorado’s supreme court.

However, former Republican Congressman Scott McInnis says he intends to continue with his election campaign for the state governor’s job, according to the Associated Press, since the repayment resolves the matter. Although some have called for him to give up the race over the issue, others say they don’t see the plagiarism as a major concern and McInnis himself has said the current uproar is politically motivated.

McInnis’ promise to pay, as well as an apology to the Hasan family, followed a demand for reimbursement from the foundation earlier today, reports the Denver Post, which broke the story about the copied material earlier this week.

In a press release, the foundation said its board determined that McInnis actually did “only a fraction of the work” he’d agreed to perform. And, “of the little work that he did, he has admitted it was neither fully completed by him, nor fully original.”

Earlier coverage: “Hogan Lovells Partner in Hot Seat After Bid for Colo. Governor’s Job Raises Plagiarism Issue”

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