
Laid Off After Many Years in Court Job, Georgia Lawyer Makes Lemonade

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As budget cuts resulted in layoffs this week for four lawyers who have each worked at the Georgia Court of Appeals for well over a decade, at least one member of the group is looking forward to an exciting career change.

After walking out the door for the last time at her now-former job on Tuesday, M. Katherine Durant hung out her own shingle on Wednesday, reports the Daily Report. Although she never intended to change jobs, she had daydreamed for years about forming her own appellate practice.

“I’ve seen firsthand the myriad ways that lawyers can bungle an appeal,” she tells the legal publication, explaining that she plans to market her legal services statewide to those who need an expert co-counsel. “Trial lawyers without the time or inclination to learn how to do an appeal properly will need me to help them.”

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