Legal Ethics

Lawyer is suspended for revealing information that led to murder

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A Maryland lawyer has been indefinitely suspended for disclosing information that led to a client’s murder.

The Baltimore County lawyer, Larry Feldman, acknowledged he violated disciplinary rules for the inadvertent disclosure, the Baltimore Sun reports. The Legal Profession Blog links to the order (PDF).

Feldman was hired to represent the client, Isiah Callaway, in a check fraud scheme by Tavon Davis in late 2010, the story says. According to Feldman’s agreement with the Attorney Grievance Commission, Feldman “wrongly and improperly concluded that he was authorized to speak with Davis” about Callaway’s case.

Feldman didn’t know Davis was also a suspect in the check fraud scheme when he told Davis that prosecutors wanted to speak with Callaway, according to documents cited by the Baltimore Sun. Davis hired a hit man to kill Callaway. Davis was convicted for the murder and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

Callaway’s family sued Feldman, resulting in a “substantial confidential settlement,” according to grievance commission documents.

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