Legal Ethics

Lawyer loses part-time judge job, has license suspended over 'romantic' conduct with jailed client

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A part-time Indiana judge who also practices law has resolved a judicial discipline case over her admitted “improper romantic relationship” with a 26-year-old client in state prison.

Lisa Traylor-Wolff has been permanently banned from serving as a judge and has had her law license suspended by the state supreme court for what could be as little as 45 days, the Indianapolis Star reports.

She was accused of having sexual relations with a felony defendant in an attorney-client visiting room at the Miami Correctional Facility.

Although the discipline case concerns only her work as a lawyer, the Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications, which pursued the ethics case, said judicial conduct standards still apply, as an earlier post noted.

See also: “Lawyer, who’s also a part-time judge, faces judicial discipline case over conduct with jailed client”

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