
Lawyer Realized Early that Bedbugs Were Going to Be Big

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Bedbugs can be a plague on those trying to get rid of them, but they are providing employment opportunities for some.

One who has reaped the benefits of bedbugs is Manhattan lawyer Timothy Wenk, who represents hotels accused of harboring the insects, the Wall Street Journal reports. He also gives talks to hospitality and pest-control businesses.

Wenk told the newspaper about a tip he got from an entomologist after he got his first bedbug case in 2004: Bedbugs are going to be big, the expert said. “I don’t mind being the bedbug lawyer,” Wenk said.

Others who are benefiting are exterminators and therapists. One entrepreneur, Yasmine Hecker, started a company that prepares homes for the exterminator. Duties include taking apart the bed and laundering bed linens.

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