
Lawyers Hope to Slice, Dice and Roast the Competition on MasterChef TV Reality Show

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At least three lawyers are among the amateur chefs who have been selected from among some 30,000 competitors as the best 100 in the country.

Above the Law, which interviewed one of the three, Jason Maur, reports that the Connecticut sole practitioner will now compete on a national television reality show, MasterChef, for No. 1 billing and a $250,000 grand prize.

The other two lawyers who made the top 100 are Laurence “Larry” Hing, of California and Thomas Wright of Florida.

Initially taught to cook by his mother, Maur says he doubts he would ever want to give up his law practice for a culinary career even though he loves cooking and considers working as an attorney the tougher gig because of the state of the economy.

“If the question is whether I could never cook another day in my life if I kept practicing law, I could never do that,” he tells ATL. “I need to cook and express myself. But I also could never simply give up being a lawyer to try and make it as a chef. In order for me to stop practicing law, there would have to be a pretty enticing offer on the table.”

The new season of MasterChef is scheduled to premiere Monday night on Fox, the article notes.

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