
Microsoft GC calls for better training of young lawyers and more diversity in NALP conference speech

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The general counsel of Microsoft Corp. called for better training of young lawyers and more diversity in the profession as a keynote speaker Wednesday at the annual National Association for Law Placement conference in Seattle.

“Go where you think you’ll get good training in the first four years. If you don’t get good training in the first four years, you will dig yourself into a deep hole,” GC Brad Smith advised young lawyers. He noted, however, that training opportunities have been reduced since the Great Recession began, the National Law Journal reports.

Microsoft has attempted to enhance opportunities for young law firm associates in several ways, Smith said. They include the Microsoft Advocacy Clinic, which offers promising first-, second- and third-years from law firms that represent Microsoft a chance to work together on projects. A separate initiative established a joint fund to pay the costs of having such associates attend depositions and court sessions at which they will gain valuable experience.

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