
Newbie Lawyer Becomes a 'National Mini-Celebrity' After Attempt to Seize Bank Furniture

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Florida lawyer Todd Allen had been practicing law for only eight months when he showed up with a moving truck at a Bank of America branch, ready to seize furniture to pay a $2,500 judgment.

Since then, the Ave Maria School of Law graduate has become a “national mini-celebrity,” the Naples Daily News reports. The Daily Show featured his moving van escapade, and a movie contract has been signed, though the idea is still “being shopped around to movie houses,” Allen told the newspaper.

Allen represented Warren and Maureen Nyerges, who said they called 25 law firms before they found a lawyer to represent them in a mistaken foreclosure. The couple won the foreclosure fight and obtained a court order for payment of $2,500 in attorney fees. When the bank didn’t pay, Allen got a judge’s permission to seize assets.

When Allen showed up at the bank with his truck in June, a manager wrote a check covering the judgment.

“After that, my career took off,” Allen told the Naples Daily News. “I started getting a lot more business and a lot more referrals.” He has also heard from people from other states facing foreclosures.

“It opened my eyes to the depth and the scope of the foreclosure crisis,” he told the newspaper.

See Todd Allen’s appearance on The Daily Show.

Updated at 8:43 Wednesday to add link to Daily Show video.

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