Law Schools

Are LSAT scores and GPAs declining at the top law schools? Not by much

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The top-ranked 100 law schools in the United States saw average LSAT scores for the class of 2016 decline by 1.03 percent and average grades of incoming students drop by .02 percent, according to a blog’s infographic summary.

The information, taken from U.S. News & World Report, shows the average LSAT at the top 100 law schools was 161 and the average grade point average was 3.56. Above the Law published the infographic.

At the top 14 law schools, the average LSAT score dropped only by .44 percent, and the average GPA dropped by only .01 percent.The average LSAT at these schools was 169.4, and the average GPA was 3.78, Above the Law says.

The infographic also had information on individual schools. The biggest decrease in LSAT scores at the 25th percentile was at the University of Florida, with a 4 percent decline, while the largest increase was at the University of California at Berkeley, with a 3 percent increase, according to the graphic, which attributed the information to ABA data.

University of Florida law dean Robert Jerry told the Florida Independent Alligator that its 1L class size increased by about 30 this year, while the median LSAT dropped by about a point, which he expects to be in line with national norms.

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