Constitutional Law

Atheist gets driver's license photo with pasta colander on head, citing 'Spaghetti Monster' faith

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A Utah woman persuaded state officials to let her get her driver’s license photo taken with a metal pasta strainer upside-down on her head by citing her “Pastafarian” religious beliefs.

Asia Lemmon, who is also known as Jessica Steinhauser (the name on her license), provided documents showing her affiliation with the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to obtain permission from department of motor vehicle officials to wear the colander, the Spectrum reports.

The colander is the official headgear of the church, which got its start in 2005 as a protest against a plan to teach intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in Kansas schools, the Associated Press reports.

Approximately 12 people have had similar driver’s license photos taken in Utah, said Nannette Rolfe, who serves as director of the state’s driver license division.

“As long as we can get a visual of the face, we’re fine if they choose to wear the headgear,” she said. Because officials determined when the first Pastafarians arrived there several years ago that the church is a recognized religion, no special paperwork is required.

Hat tip: Daily Mail.

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