Business of Law

Dewey Adopts New Vacation Policy Allowing 'A Reasonable Amount of Paid Time Off'

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In a policy change that, Dewey & LeBoeuf says, better reflects today’s realities for practicing lawyers, the firm has eliminated a cap on vacation days.

Instead, starting Jan. 1, associates and counsel are “entitled to take a reasonable amount of paid time off … subject to client demands and your other professional obligations and responsibilities,” explains a Dec. 30 memo provided by the firm to the Careerist.

Previously, they were allowed to take as much as 20 vacation days annually, plus personal, and sick days. However, the new policy should not reduce their time off, the memo seems to say. (“We would expect you to be able to take no less time off than you have been accustomed to,” as the firm puts it.)

Related coverage: “New Sedgwick Policy Offers Lavish Vacation Time, But Some See a Downside”

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