Family Law

Divorce Lawyers Tell Twisted Tales of Valentine’s Day

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The phones are ringing off the hook for divorce lawyers on the day after Valentine’s Day.

New York City divorce lawyer Nancy Chemtob tells the New York Times City Room blog that November and December are slow months because no one wants to get divorced during the holidays. January is busy. And then there is the day after Valentine’s Day.

“The phone’s ringing off the hook,” Chemtob told the publication.

“The girlfriends, the mistresses, the wives—they all get found out on Valentine’s Day,” Chemtob said. “The girlfriend gets ticked off that he’s out with the spouse, or the spouse goes out with a girlfriend/boyfriend, leaving the spouse at home, so it’s like game over.”

Chemtob was among the lawyers who passed along tales of Valentine’s Day woe to City Room. Vikki Ziegler, an adjunct law professor at Fordham and a New Jersey divorce lawyer, had several stories about the darker side of Valentine’s Day. She has heard of dead roses and bad language written on a car in strawberries and chocolate.

She also passed along several examples of spouses who were eager to let the other know that life had gone on. One gave her spouse a bill for Victoria’s Secret purchases he would never see. Another texted pictures with a new lover, and yet another sent along a sex tape.

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