Question of the Week

Do you ever send handwritten notes to professional contacts?

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Can a handwritten note stand out in a sea of emails and text messages?

It certainly can, notes writer and marketer Bull Garlington at Attorney at Work.

“I don’t mean your clients don’t read your emails; of course, they read your emails,” he writes. “But those emails merely convey the information contained. Your client’s not going to print out your email, then hold it in their hand and think, wow, my lawyer went out of her way to write this. If you send a handwritten note that boosts the relationship, they will.”

Garlington recalls receiving a handwritten note on elegant paper stock from a colleague and Words With Friends competitor subtly congratulating him on a game well-played. “I vowed on the spot to find a reason, soon, to work with her again and found a place on my desk where that card will be prominently displayed forever. That deployment of fine stationery made an impression. It emphasized that though we mostly connect through a (S)crabble knockoff on our phones, our mutual respect is real. Like the card.”

This week, we’d like to ask you: Do you ever send handwritten notes to professional contacts? If so, why do you think it’s worth the effort?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Are you considering deleting or deactivating your Facebook account?

Featured answer:

Posted by Goldcoaster : “Who in his right mind would answer all the questions ‘required’ to set up a Facebook account with accurate information? Who couldn’t figure out that Facebook was selling your info? Facebook is a free service, and if there’s one thing that I still remember from Econ 101 nearly 40 years ago it’s ‘there’s no free lunch.’ So if I have a Facebook account, it’s stealth in order to see the stupid stuff that my clients and opposing parties (and their co-respondents) put out there for the world to ‘enjoy.’ ”

Do you have an idea for a question of the week? If so, contact us.

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