Family Law

Ex-attorney's divorce is slowed because he's serving time under federal witness protection program

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Both disbarred attorney Scott Rothstein, 51, and his 40-year-old wife, Kim, are in jail for crimes linked to his $1.4 billion swindle of various investors.

But it isn’t her 18-month sentence for concealing assets from a bankruptcy court that’s slowing down their divorce so much as his 50-year federal prison term. That’s because he’s serving it in a secret location under the federal witness protection program, reports the Sun Sentinel.

Filed in November, the divorce suit couldn’t be served for months because it wasn’t clear who could accept service, says her lawyer, Jamie Morris, in a Broward Circuit Court motion last week. An additional delay occurred because of radiation testing performed on mail by the federal Bureau of Prisons’ Inmate Monitoring Section.

Morris is seeking an extension of the usual 120-day deadline for service.

“We are working under a very unique set of circumstances,” he told the newspaper Monday. “Since Mr. Rothstein is being held in an undisclosed location, we have encountered some difficulty.”

Related coverage: “Feds charge another Rothstein lawyer, say sheriff’s office went to escort’s home to erase phone info”

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