
Former Kansas AG Faces Ethics Probe; Are Abortion Cases the Reason?

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Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline and two of his deputies have been notified they are facing a state ethics probe.

The letter to Kline and deputies Stephen Maxwell and Eric Rucker did not state the reason for the probe, according to the Associated Press and the Wichita Eagle.

But the Kansas Supreme Court has suggested that Kline could be sanctioned for his conduct in abortion cases, the AP story says. Kline had sought the names and personal information of those who had abortions in his investigation of two clinics. In December, the state supreme court allowed an abortion case based on Kline’s investigations to go forward, but criticized his handling of patient records and dealings with the court, the AP story says.

The majority sent its opinion to ethics authorities and said Kline’s conduct could warrant action “up to and including disbarment.”

Kline is now a visiting law professor at Liberty University.

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