Constitutional Law

Lawmaker sponsors bill to allow foster parents to carry a concealed handgun, if they have a permit

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Is it a good idea for a foster parent with a concealed-carry permit to be allowed to have a loaded gun on his or her person?

Currently, the Nevada Department of Child and Family Services says the answer to that question is no. The agency’s regulations require guns and ammunition to be stored separately, in secured containers, in the foster homes it oversees. But that could change if a bill under review by the state Assembly Judiciary Committee gets a green light, reports the Las Vegas Review Journal.

The measure would allow law enforcement officers and allow state residents with a concealed-weapon permit to carry a loaded gun, at home or in a personal vehicle. Otherwise, if the individual is not actually carrying the weapon, it would have to be kept in a gun safe.

Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Las Vegas, sponsored the bill and says it has bipartisan support. She says there is a need for more foster parents, and qualified individuals are being turned away because of the current concealed-carry ban.

Jill Marano, who serves as deputy administrator of the state DCFS, says it is concerned that foster children might be able to access a loaded weapon.

The committee reportedly hasn’t yet decided whether to OK the measure for consideration by the full Assembly.

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