Internet Law

Goldman Sachs asks judge to order Google to delete email sent to wrong account

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A contractor mistakenly sent “highly confidential brokerage account information” about Goldman Sachs Group Inc. clients to a stranger’s email account, and the famed investment banking firm has asked a New York state court to help get it back.

In a court complaint filed Friday in Manhattan, Goldman Sachs said Google Inc. appears willing to cooperate in deleting the email, but requires a court order to do so, Reuters reports. It is unclear how many customers are affected and it appears that even Goldman Sachs may not know who holds the Gmail account to which the email was sent.

The Gmail account owner has not responded to contact efforts on Goldman Sachs’ behalf. In addition to deleting the email, the bank wants Google to provide information about who received it.

“Emergency relief is necessary to avoid the risk of inflicting a needless and massive privacy violation upon Goldman Sachs’ clients, and to avoid the risk of unnecessary reputational damage to Goldman Sachs,” the bank said in its complaint. It called what it is asking Google to do “little more than the minor inconvenience of intercepting a single email—an email that was indisputably sent in error.”

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