Question of the Week

How did you know it was time to quit your last job?

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A post of ours from last month seemed to hit a nerve with readers by discussing what signals let you know that it’s time to quit your job.

While it seems obvious a dissatisfied worker would start searching for a new gig, author and entrepreneur Daniel Gulati told Bloomberg that even in a good economy, people find reasons to stay in jobs they hate. And Gulati cited a statistic saying that 80 percent of Americans are dissatisfied in their jobs.

So this week, we’d like you to tell us: How did you know it was time to quit your last job? Or, if you are dissatisfied with your current employer but still working there, why is that the case?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What is your ‘desert island’ book?

Featured answer:

Posted by ReadAbbey: “The book I’d like to have, and one that I truly recommend to you all is Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey. Not because the title is fitting for where you are, but because the message of the book is true, and it reminds us of our place in the wilderness. And it reminds us of how important the wilderness really is.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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