Question of the Week

How Do You Deal with Persistent Phone Solicitors?

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In last week’s column about starting a new law firm, Valorem Law Group founding member Patrick Lamb touched on having to deal with vendors and how to keep them from eating too much of one’s time.

“I still get a call every month from some firm selling corporate artwork,” he wrote. “No matter what I’ve tried, she still calls. So now I just tell her to tell me about her offerings, and then I put the phone down and keep working. After an hour or so, I look back at that line, and she’s usually gone.”

So this week, we’d like to ask you: How do you deal with persistent phone solicitors? Has a firm “no” ever done the trick? Or do you pay someone else to answer your phone for this reason?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Have You Ever Witnessed a Meltdown in Your Office or in Court? What Did You (Or the Judge) Do?

Featured answer:

Posted by DeadHead: “I had just finished cross examination of the defendant’s accountant in an adversarial action in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, and we took a break as it was mid-morning, with the defendant expected on the stand after the break. Upon return to the courtroom, the judge noticed that the defendant wasn’t in the court, and upon inquiry was informed that: ‘The defendant is locked in the bathroom and sobbing uncontrollably.’ The defendant’s wife was called to the courthouse and eventually talked him out, but the day was lost. (My client was very satisfied with the ultimate ruling.)”

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