Question of the Week

How Has Your Law Career Evolved This Decade?

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We’re approaching the start of a new decade and have a natural impulse to look back. The National Law Journal focused on what it believed were the top 25 legal stories of the decade, including the beginning of war on terror, the highs and lows for first-year associates and lawyers’ embrace of technology and social media.

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reports that most people have a sour view of the decade overall, taking into consideration the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the financial crisis the nation plunged into in 2008, and the increased popularity of reality TV shows and tattoos. Still those surveyed were upbeat about the increasing ubiquity of cell phones, PDAs and green products as well as increasing racial and ethnic diversity.

What we want to know: How has your law career evolved in the 2000s? What are you doing now in your career that you couldn’t have imagined a decade ago, when the world was sweating the Y2K bug and bouncing on the dot-com bubble?

Answer in the comments.

Read last week’s question: Do You Get a Holiday Party, Time Off, or Nothing?

Featured answer:

Posted by David B: “As a solo, no-secretary practice, my clients joke that the holiday party is me sitting at my desk drinking a beer. Reality says, they’re just about right …It’s just about all I can afford.”

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