Natural Disasters

Lawyer buys and mans fire truck to help protect neighbors threatened by wildfires

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Cartoon firetruck

Image from Shutterstock.

As wildfires blaze in central Washington, the state’s firefighting forces are stretched thin.

Among those stepping up is attorney Alex Thomason of Brewster. He purchased a fire truck for $5,000 from another county and is manning it with the help of individuals he met through Facebook, according to KHQ and KIRO.

“We just heard from the state they didn’t have any other resources so I said well, let’s go get a fire truck and use it to protect our homes,” said Thomason, who grew up in Okanogan County and took a brief course in firefighting basics to get up to speed. He also is a familiar face as a former contestant on Donald Trump’s reality television program The Apprentice.

“Some guys have run engines before,” he said. “We can operate hoses, we can understand water, we understand pressure … we have training in helping people and look there’s a fire, we’re going to at least save one or two houses.”

Hat tip: Daily Mail

See also:

KHQ (2014): “Homeowners blame DNR for allowing the Carlton Complex fire to get out of control”

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