White-Collar Crime

Lawyer Charged with Laundering Drug Cartel Money Is Denied Bail; Feds Call Him a Flight Risk

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A jailed Texas lawyer who has been federally indicted concerning his role in a claimed conspiracy to launder some $600 million for a Mexican drug cartel has been denied bail at a Wednesday hearing.

Prosecutors contended, and U.S. Magistrate Judge Norbert Garney apparently agreed, that Marco Antonio Delgado is a flight risk, according to the Associated Press and KVIA, an ABC News affiliate.

Attorney Ray Velarde represents Delgado and says he will appeal the no-bail decision.

Delgado, an El Paso practitioner, is a former trustee of Carnegie Mellon University.

Earlier coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “Texas Lawyer Indicted and Jailed re Claimed Role in Alleged Mexican Drug Money-Laundering Conspiracy”

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