Criminal Justice

Lawyer is charged with contempt after she disregards judge's order not to say another word

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A Philadelphia lawyer is seeing the bright side after she was cited for contempt on Thursday for disobeying a judge by speaking in court.

Rania Major-Trunfio asked for bail for her client after Judge Karen Yvette Simmons told the lawyer not to say another word, the Philadelphia Daily News reports.

Simmons set bail at $5,000, and Major-Trunfio posted the required 10 percent. Four defense lawyers volunteered to represent Major-Trunfio, and they expect the contempt order will be vacated in a hearing today, the story says.

Major-Trunfio, who is running for common pleas judge, said the incident could bolster her candidacy. It could prove “that I really am a people’s candidate, I really do believe in protecting the Constitution and I do it at all cost,” she told the newspaper.

Simmons also charged Major-Trunfio with contempt in October when the lawyer said “that’s not true” in response to a statement made by a probation officer, the story says. Major-Trunfio later apologized and was found not in contempt.

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