Tort Law

Lawyer's suit claims his sessions with personal trainer left him with disabling pain

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A New York lawyer who is publisher of the TechnoLawyer blog claims in a lawsuit that his sessions with a personal trainer left him with with disabling pain whenever he sits.

Neil Squillante says in his suit that owners of the training company Focus Integrated Fitness were aware he had lived a sedentary life with minimal physical activity, report the New York Daily News and the New York Post. Yet the first training session made his arms so sore that he was unable to lift them and the third left him with stiffness in his knee and hip.

He quit after that, the suit says, but the pain worsened. Now he suffers disabling pain whenever he sits, making Squillante unable to unable to sit at a computer, travel long distances or attend long meetings, according to the suit.

Squillante says he told his personal trainer about his sore arms, but the trainer only chuckled and said the soreness was normal and nothing to worry about.

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