Criminal Justice

Man ordered to display 'I am a bully' sign is jeered during his punishment

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An Ohio man ordered to hold a sign reading “I am a bully” was jeered by passersby as he carried out the punishment on Sunday.

Edmond Aviv, 62, was ordered to hold the sign as part of his sentence for harassing his neighbors, report Northeast Ohio Media Group and Reuters. He pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct in March, and has three prior convictions for harassing conduct, according to Northeast Ohio Media Group.

Aviv displayed the sign for five hours on Sunday at a busy intersection in the Cleveland suburb of South Euclid. The sign read: “I AM A BULLY! I pick on children that are disabled, and I am intolerant of those that are different from myself. My actions do not reflect an appreciation for the diverse South Euclid community that I live in.”

Aviv was accused of harassing the family of Sandra Prugh, who has two adult adopted children with disabilities and a paralyzed son. The most recent case stems from Aviv’s annoyance with smelling Downy from Prugh’s dryer vent, the Northeast Ohio Media Group says. He sued over the smell, without success, and then allegedly dumped fabric softener on Prugh’s lawn. He also was accused of using a fan to blow kerosene fumes onto Prugh’s property.

Prugh told the court that Aviv’s harassment began 15 years ago, when he spit on her as he jogged past and called her a “monkey mama.” She also alleged that he threw dog feces on the windshield of her son’s car and on a wheelchair ramp.

Judge Gayle Williams-Byer also ordered Aviv to serve 15 days in jail, seven months on probation and 100 hours of community service. Aviv is also required to attend anger-management classes and psychological counseling.

Aviv told Northeast Ohio Media Group that publicity over the judge’s sentence had ruined his life. He also said he had not bullied the family. “The judge destroyed me,” he said.

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