Bar Associations

'Many Small Steps' Lead to Happy 20th Birthday for ABA Rule of Law Initiative

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Two decades ago, volunteer lawyers staffed an American Bar Association project to help rebuild legal institutions in central Europe, following the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

Today, that project has morphed into the ABA Rule of Law Initiative, which administers programs in more than 40 countries throughout the globe with the help of a $32 million annual budget, reports the Blog of Legal Times.

Among the initiative’s work is providing judicial training in Liberia and helping to establish a small-claims court in the Philippines.

“It’s many small steps at a time trying to build a culture of lawfulness,” says Rob Boone, the initiative’s director.

A 20th birthday bash and award ceremony is planned tomorrow at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is to be given the group’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

See a gallery featuring 20 years of milestones, initiatives and programs here.

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