
New Charges for Lawyer-Boyfriend in Drug Case re Anna Nicole Smith's Death

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Attorney Howard Stern is facing new charges in a case against him and two physicians concerning their alleged involvement in the drug overdose death in 2007 of his former girlfriend, celebrity Anna Nicole Smith.

In an amended criminal complaint filed today in Los Angeles, the district attorney’s office contends that Stern, who is accused of aiding and abetting the doctors who allegedly prescribed the drugs that killed her, helped Smith obtain opiates under a false name, reports the Associated Press.

Stern and the doctors pleaded not guilty in May to charges that they conspired to illegally provide Smith with controlled substances. The TMZ blog reports that he has just been arraigned on 11 felony counts, while the physician defendants were each arraigned on six.

The breaking news articles don’t include any comment from Stern or his counsel.

Additional coverage:

ABAJournal.com (March 2009): “Anna Nicole’s Lawyer Boyfriend Accused of Supplying Illegal Meds”

The Dish Rag (Los Angeles Times): “Pharmacist refused Anna Nicole Smith’s ‘pharmaceutical suicide’ prescriptions”

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