Real Estate & Property Law

New Legal Issue for Suspect in 12 Batman Movie Murders: Eviction Suit re His Booby-Trapped Apartment

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An eviction action is probably the very least of James Eagan Holmes’ current legal problems.

But he’s now a defendant in an eviction suit, in addition to the multiple murder charges he previously faced, following a Wednesday civil filing in Adams County, reports the Denver Post.

The booby traps with which Holmes reportedly filled his Aurora, Colo., apartment before allegedly murdering 12 people and injuring dozens more in a shooting spree at a local movie theater premiere of the new Batman movie last month violate his lease and pose a danger to other tenants in the building, contends his landlord.

Since Holmes is in prison, it doesn’t appear likely that he will be occupying the unit again anytime soon. Why, one might wonder, didn’t the landlord simply determine that the apartment had been abandoned?

“There must still be some belongings in there otherwise we wouldn’t be doing this,” attorney Victor Sulzer told the newspaper. He is a lawyer with the law firm that represents the landlord.

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