
‘Notoriously Cranky’ Lawyers Stay Content in Jobs at DOJ, But Not at SEC

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The U.S. Justice Department ranks only 16th in a new report on the satisfaction levels of younger government workers.

But there is some good news for the department in the report by Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service: Employees there tend to stay content. The satisfaction score of new employees under age 30 is 73.1 percent, below the government-wide average of 75.3 percent, the Washington Post reports. Over time, however, satisfaction levels drop only slightly, with 69.3 percent of all DOJ workers reporting satisfaction. “And this includes a lot of lawyers,” the Post says, “a notoriously cranky crowd.”

The study, called “The Best Places to Launch a Career in the Federal Government,”(PDF) is billed as a “snapshot analysis” based on the Office of Personnel Management 2010 employee survey.The top three agencies for young employee satisfaction: the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The Securities and Exchange Commission ranked eighth for new employee satisfaction, but it had the second highest dropoff in satisfaction. New employees under 30 years old had a 79.4 percent satisfaction rate at the SEC, but all employees there had only a 62 percent satisfaction rate. The VA had the highest gap between satisfaction rates of new young employees (90.3 percent) versus all employees (63.6 percent).

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