Law Schools

Now Out of Prison, Ex-Milberg Partner Might Teach Class at UC Irvine Law School

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William Lerach, the former law firm partner who went to prison for paying kickbacks to plaintiffs in class actions, may have a new job lined up.

His new employer could be the University of California, Irvine School of Law, the National Law Journal reports.

Rex Bossert, the school’s assistant dean for communications and public affairs, told the NLJ on Monday that Lerach is under consideration. The confirmation comes after Lerach told the San Diego Union-Tribune last weekend that he plans to teach there and he is developing a course called “Regulation of Free Market Capitalism—Why Have We Failed?”

Lerach is a former partner at the law firm once known as Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach. He told Business Week after he was released from prison on March 8 that he planned to lecture at an unnamed law school, go trout fishing and explore his roots in Bavaria.

In the San Diego Union-Tribune interview, Lerach said he hoped his law school gig will count toward the 1,000 hours of community service that is part of his sentence. He is also working with an organization for disabled veterans and a German shepherd adoption program.

Lerach told the Union-Tribune that his prison time was “both uneventful and yet eye-opening” as he heard the stories of decent people who got themselves in trouble, and stories of families and lives destroyed. In prison, he wrote a newsletter about his daily experiences and read large parts of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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