Legal Ethics

Outside Judge Sides with Prosecutor, Says Judge Jones Should Step Down From Family Court Case

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Concluding the latest battle in an ongoing war between a Nevada family court judge and at least some members of the local prosecutor’s office, an outside judge brought in to hear a recusal motion has determined that Judge Steven Jones should step aside from a child welfare case.

Earlier, Jones banned an assistant Clark County prosecutor, Michelle Edwards, from his courtroom after she helped expose his romance with another member of the prosecutor’s office, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. But it is Jones who should step aside, because he earlier admitted he is biased against Edwards, Judge Susan Johnson ruled in a 10-page opinion.

“It is unfortunate that this matter had to get to the point where we had to have another judge intervene,” said DA David Roger. “I’m hopeful now that the chief judge will review this decision and issue an administrative order transferring all of the child welfare cases from Judge Jones to another objective jurist.”

An attorney for Jones told the newspaper his client is disappointed by the ruling and surprised that Johnson didn’t schedule a hearing before ruling on the matter.

Earlier coverage: “Judge Blasts Crotch Photo Snapped by Whistle-Blower Prosecutors; DA Files Ethics Complaint”

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